What we treat

Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a problem that affects many men and can have a negative impact on their sexual life and relationships. Here we will look at how premature ejaculation manifests, who is at risk, and what treatment options are available.

Premature ejaculation is characterized by ejaculation that occurs too soon after the start of sexual intercourse and the inability of men to delay it. In some cases, ejaculation may even occur before the actual initiation of intercourse. There are different perspectives on what is considered “premature.” While relationship therapists may consider any ejaculation that happens before the partner’s satisfaction as premature, medical professionals often set a time limit of one minute from the start of intercourse. Ejaculation before one minute is unequivocally considered premature, and even sex lasting less than three minutes is labeled as short.

Premature ejaculation can take two forms: sthenic and asthenic. Men with sthenic form often have no trouble with erections and can engage in repeated intercourse in short intervals. Men suffering from asthenic form of ejaculation cannot maintain an erection after a rapid semen discharge. It should be noted that ejaculation can occur in these men even in the absence of an erection.

Premature ejaculation most commonly affects young men at the beginning of their sexual life, but more experienced men can also struggle with this issue. The primary physiological cause of premature ejaculation is the oversensitivity of nerve endings in the genital area, which can be either congenital or acquired due to illness. Some causes include thyroid disorders and low testosterone levels. Low frequency of sexual intercourse, anxiety, and concerns about satisfying the partner can also influence the duration of sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation involves a thorough conversation with a healthcare professional, focusing on the duration of sexual intercourse, satisfaction, and the level of stress associated with premature ejaculation. To confirm or rule out physiological causes, a comprehensive urological examination and basic neurological and hormonal tests may be conducted.

Treatment for premature ejaculation involves a combination of various approaches and requires the collaboration of the patient. Training in techniques that delay ejaculation, such as the squeeze technique or the start-stop technique, can be effective. Topical anesthetics in the form of gels or creams applied to the penis can also help prolong the time to ejaculation. Pharmacological options include medications containing dapoxetine, which increases serotonin levels and allows for delayed ejaculation during intercourse.

It is important to consult with a specialist who can provide appropriate treatment for premature ejaculation based on your individual needs and causes. Collaboration with your partner and open communication are also crucial for addressing this issue and improving sexual health and satisfaction.

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